Monday, 23 April 2012

The Quarter-Centennial

146 years ago, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.
100 years ago, that 'unsinkable ship' turned out to be quite sinkable.
And 25 years ago, an ugly duckling came into a family of Swans.

This blog is my quarter-centennial goal to keep a better record of life's potholes, pit stains, and bad hair days (because those are the things that really matter). At 25, let's hope I've outgrown the ugly duckling jokes and see where the next 25 years will take me...

Rules of the blog, Bob:
  1. This blog is mostly for myself, but hopefully my mom will at least read. Hi, mom.   
  2. Always kiss and tell (Keep It SHORT, Stupid). If I can't say what I want in 300 words, no one cares. 
  3. 52 entries, 1 for each week of being 25.
  4. Honest to goodness! Be honest, and speak of goodness. 
  5. I want this to be social-issues-LITE, you know, the hun-cal version.  


  1. Might I suggest that you also practice the first 4 words of #2 in your non-blog life as well. Get off your Arse and go on a date already. Geez

  2. I can't Belize you're staring another blog, after your last blog fiasco.

    26.5 is the over/under on number of blog post mego does in the 1st year. Any takers?

  3. Congratulations on the new blog Meg. Glad to see your brothers are off to their typical "tease Meg till she spazes or cries" tactics. Negative attention is still attention though right, and if they stopped teasing you might worry. Sorry for eating your chili. It was really me and not Matt. Good luck with the goal. But I will probably take the under on Matt's 26.5. Sorry.

  4. Go for it Meg! You are not the "golden" child for no reason you know. And a drop of honey is golden! But so is silence! However dont be silent! Sing out!

  5. I just want to say thank you for using the term "hun-cal"
